Danny Hop

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The Website of L.I.F.E.

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L.I.F.E. (Life Improvement From Education) wants youth to feel they can say: “It’s Fun To Be Me!” every day!


We believe that fundamental to whether youth lead fun lives or sad ones are their choices. All youth need nurturing and mentoring. When it is lacking, youth make bad choices.

Sad to say, a lot of youth are not having much fun at all. Too many youth are growing up in a toxic environment.

That’s where It’s Fun To Be Me! comes in. We make sure youth get information they need to make important choices so they can get past the most dangerous trap — drugs.

The mechanism of the trap is simple. The individual is made nothing of and then he knows he can’t make things happen. We disabuse youth of the idea that their lives are without value and instill in them that they can definitely have an effect on the world they live in.

To be drug-free is the most important decision any young person can make.All It’s Fun To Be Me! programs, campaigns and materials focus on helping youth do this. We don’t just tell them about the bad effects drugs have on them, we give them life skills and tools to win the game they decide to play so drugs are of no interest.

We also work with adults to clean up the toxic environment their children are growing up in. It takes a team effort all the way with teachers, parents, businesses and law enforcement all on board.

The way we see it, adults are responsible for how children survive. It is our job to make sure our society does not waste our youth. Our youth are our greatest resource.

Enjoy the site.

Thank you

©Copyright 2010. Life Improvement From Education

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Jenny Hip and Danny Hop